Wednesday, June 27, 2012

English 101: Simple Present Tense of the Verb

The simple present tense of the verb describes an action which happens every day or all the time.


1. Juan works in the farm every day.
2. They always travel by train.
3. Mr. Santos eats lunch at the school canteen.
4. Her mother washes clothes daily.
5. I ride the bus to office.

For first person pronouns ( I, you, we) and plural subjects, just copy the form of the verb. The third person singular of most verbs is formed by adding s. However, add es instead of s in the following cases:

1. if the verb ends in o

     go = goes
     do = does
2. if the verb ends in s, sh, ch, x or z

    wash = washes
    catch = catches
    fix = fixes

3. if the verb ends in y, the y is changed first to i before es is added as long as y is preceded by a consonant

   study = studies
   carry = carries

Practice Test

Use the correct form of the simple present tense of the verb in the following sentences:

1. I (study) my lessons every night.
2. Gina always (try) to arrive early.
3. We (go) to church every Sunday.
4. Kenneth (do) his chores without being told.
5. She often (catch) cold.
6. Mrs. Samson (teach) Physics.
7. My brother (play) in the park.
8. Harry (kiss) her mother before going to school.
9. They (watch) the game on television.
10. You (like) doughnut and coffee.

1. study
2. tries
3. go
4. does
5. catches
6. teaches
7. plays
8. kisses
9. watch
10. like

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