Showing posts with label ALS A&E Jan 2025 Reviewer English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALS A&E Jan 2025 Reviewer English. Show all posts

Monday, October 7, 2024

ALS January 2025 A&E Test Reviewer - English

 ALS A&E Practice Test

Learning Strand 1 – Communication Skills - ENGLISH

(Image from


Instruction: Choose the letter of the best answer.


1. Mr. De Castro, the mayor, and his staff _________ the flag ceremony on Mondays.

            A. attend                                                       

            B. attends

            C. attended

            D. will attend                                                


2. The barangay tanod and I have been manning the checkpoints _________since the start of the Enhanced Community Quarantine ordered by the barangay captain.

            A. myself                                                      

            B. itself

            C. themselves

            D. ourselves                                     


3. Do you have any other toys ________ the robots?

            A. beside                                                      

            B. besides

            C. aside

            D. by                                                  


4. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, school officials have decided this morning to close schools in all levels, public or private, ________ November 15th.

            A. on                                                             

            B. since

            C. through

            D. by                                                  


5. Of the twins, Angelica’s handwriting is __________ than Angeline’s.

            A. badder                                          

            B. worse

            C. worser

            D. worst                                             


6. Rodney cannot cook spaghetti.  Jamie can’t _________.

            A. either                                                        

            B. neither

            C. as well

            D. too                                                 


7. Roman is very excited to go to Boracay because he has ______ been there before.

            A. always                                                      

            B. often

            C. hardly

            D. never                                                        


8. If my dog _____ here right now, it would have bit you.

            A. is                                                               

            B. was

            C. were

            D. be                                                  


9. Neither of us ______ to report to the office tomorrow.

            A. are                                                            

            B. has

            C. have

            D. had



10. The chocolate cake that I brought is for your sisters. It’s ______.

            A. hers                                                                      

 B. their

            C. theirs

            D. them                                                         


11. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

            A. This is the house that Juan built for her mother.

            B. His favorite hobbies are reading books and watching movies.

            C. The President, as well as the Cabinet, attends the flag ceremony.

            D. Tommy did not go to work, for he was under the weather.


12. What figure of speech is this sentence: “Hers is the face that launched a thousand ships”?

            A. simile                                                        

            B. metaphor

            C. hyperbole

            D. irony                                                         


13. If something is a piece of cake, it means it is _________.

            A. delicious                          

            B. sweet

C. pastry

            D. easy


14. Select the part of the sentence that is incorrect.

            A. The Joneses                                                       

            B. bought on credit                                     

C. some furnitures

D.  a while ago.


15. Remember the advice of the Health Secretary _____ Stay at home. What punctuation mark is appropriate in the blank?

            A. comma (,)                                    

            B. period (.)

            C. semicolon (;)

            D. colon (:)



16. Reading the works of great writers is important if you want ________ a good story yourself.

            A. writing

            B. to write                                                     

C. to writing

D. to written


17. I’ll be standing ___ the corner of Jackson Street the whole afternoon if you don’t show up.

            A. in

            B. on

            C. at

            D. by


18. The job interviewer asked you: “Why do you think you fit in the advertized position?” Your possible response is to ___________.

A. state the awards and recognitions you received after leaving school.

B. state how your character, education and experiences relate to the job.

C. cite your family background, attitudes, and character references.

D. cite the reasons why you apply and like the job.


19. At the end of the mass, the Priest asked you to go in peace to serve the Lord and go spread the word of the Lord. What will you do?

            A. Say “Peace be with you!” to the people you meet in the street.

            B. Tell your family and neighbors to read the Bible upon reaching home.

            C. Live in silence and read religious books every day.

            D. Live in harmony with others, teach the Bible to others and do things in accordance with the Lord.

For Item 20 - 21.   Read the content of the form below and answer the questions that follow.


Address: _______________________



Only one person per household is allowed to pass the checkpoint to buy food and medicines, except those who are to attend doctor’s appointments or for treatment.


Name of Household Head


Barangay Chairman/Representative





















20. What word CANNOT be substituted for “quarantine”?

            A. detention                                                 

            B. isolation                                                   

C. liberation

D. seclusion


21. Who can pass through the checkpoint in addition to household head?

            A. household head 

            B. sick persons                                            

C. those who will buy foods

D. residents of the barangay


For Items 22 - 24. A sign was posted outside a vacant lot that says: “No Trespassing. Violators will be apprehended. By order of the mortgagee.”


22. Who do you think placed the sign?

            A. the owner

            B. the police                                                 

            C. the squatter

D. the lending institution


23. What will NOT happen to those who entered the premises?

            A. They will be shot.           

            B. They will be arrested.                            

C. They will be detained.

D. They will be questioned.


24. What kind of sign is posted?

            A. safety

            B. instruction            

            C. warning

D. direction


25. "She waited by the door. Her heartbeat thrummed against her ribcage, her mouth tasted like iron and her breaths hitched in her throat." How do you describe the character?   

            A. She is in love.                 

            B. She is frightened.                                  

C. She is hopeful.

D. She is angry.

For Item 26 – 30: Analyze the chart below and answer the questions that follow.



26. How many COVID-19 patients are recorded from January 26 to March 28?

            A. 975           

            B. 1,069                                

            C. 1,075

D. 1,165


27. What do you think the reason why there is no reported case during Feb 9 – 29?

            A. The 3 patients have died.

            B. The 3 patients have recovered.           

C. There is no testing kit and/or result.

D. Nobody is positive.


28. What do you think will happen on March 29 – April 4?

            A. The number of positive cases will decline.    

B. The number of positive cases will increase.

            C. The number of positive cases will remain the same.           

D. The Philippine economy will collapse.


29. How many percent is the increase from March 21 to March 28?

            A. about 26%                                               

            B. about 34%                                               

C. about 292%

D. about 392%


30. Which week recorded the biggest percentage increase?

            A. Feb 2 - 8                                                  

            B. Mar 8 - 14                                                

            C. Mar 15 - 21

D. Mar 22 – 28

For Item 31 – 35: Study the chart below and answer the questions that follow.


31. How many hours are spent sleeping?

            A. 4                                                                

            B. 5                                                                

C. 6

D. 7


32. How many more hours are spent in cooking than relaxing?

            A. 1                                                                 C. 3

            B. 2                                                                 D. 4


33. What percent are the hours spent in laundering compared to marketing?

            A. 7                                                                 C. 46

            B. 19                                                               D. 58


34. Which activity has the least number of hours?

            A. sleeping                                                   

            B. cleaning                                                   

C. exercising

D. gardening


35. What type of chart is illustrated above?

            A. circle                                                          C. doughnut

            B. pie                                                              D. bubble


For Item 36 – 40: Read the selection below (from WHO website) and answer the questions that follow.


            The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets the immune system and weakens people's defence systems against infections and some types of cancer. As the virus destroys and impairs the function of immune cells, infected individuals gradually become immunodeficient. Immune function is typically measured by CD4 cell count.


Immunodeficiency results in increased susceptibility to a wide range of infections, cancers and other diseases that people with healthy immune systems can fight off.


The most advanced stage of HIV infection is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which can take from 2 to 15 years to develop if not treated, depending on the individual. AIDS is defined by the development of certain cancers, infections or other severe clinical manifestations.


36. Which of the following is true?

            A. HIV and AIDS are the same.                                                                

B. HIV and AIDS have the same virus.               

C. AIDS causes HIV.

D. HIV causes AIDS.


37. What group of words in the selection does NOT explain immunodeficiency?

            A. weakens people's defence systems against infections                                                       

            B. destroys and impairs the function of immune cells

            C. is typically measured by CD4 cell count

            D. results in increased susceptibility to a wide range of infections


38. What word can replace “susceptibility”?

            A. immutability         

            B. vulnerability        

C. insensitivity

D. safety


39. What is TRUE about AIDS?

            A. It causes HIV.                 

            B. It treats HIV.

C. It can develop into cancer.

D. Development of AIDS is the same.


40. What type of text is the selection?

            A. academic                                                  C. journalistic

            B. historical                                                   D. literary


For Item 41 – 44:  Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.



            It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus that was the world's first great traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts to get there. In China a king called Kublai Khan was pleased to see the Polos and had them live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all about his adventures in a book, which was read by Columbus and many other people, who also became interested in traveling to strange countries.


41. What is said in the selection?

            A. Marco Polo is younger than Kublai Khan.

            B. Christopher Columbus is younger than Marco Polo.

            C. Marco Polo is older than Christopher Columbus.

            D. Christopher Columbus is older than Kublai Khan.


42. The selection is mostly about ________.

            A. King of China                                         

            B. Marco Polo                                              

C. Christopher Columbus

D. Kublai Khan


43. What is NOT said in the selection?

            A. Marco Polo was an Italian.                   

            B. Kublai Khan was a Chinese.               

C. Kublai Khan was fond of Marco Polo.

D. Marco Polo did business with Kublai.


44. When Marco finally returned to Italy, _________.

            A. he traveled to strange countries.         

            B. he put in writing his adventures.                     

C. he wrote a book about Kublai Khan.

D. he gave his book to Columbus.


For Item 45 -  47: Read the poem below by Jonathan Medida and answer the questions that follow. (From

OFW - Overseas Filipino Workers


Oh If Double You

What can you do?

Your salary is coming

Time to pay the due


You're away from home

In a country not your own

Sacrifices are done

Just to take money home


Your hard earned money

Is a sweet jar of honey

Made kins so happy

Leaving you almost empty


Then they call you a hero

But the help is almost zero

Better go back to your barrio

And plant corn and potato.


45. What is the mood of the poem?

            A. romantic                                                   

            B. sarcastic                                                  

            C. optimistic

D. mournful


46. The lines “Your hard earned money is a sweet jar of honey”  is an example of a/an __________.

            A. irony                                                         

            B. hyperbole                                                

            C. metaphor

D. simile


47. What is NOT true about the poem?

            A. It has rhyme.       

B. It has four stanzas.                                

C. Every stanza has four verses.

D. It is a free verse.


For Item 48 – 50. Read the cooking procedures below and answer the questions that follow. (From


Cooking Procedures:

1. In a medium saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Sauté ginger and garlic until fragrant. Add onions, stir-fry until softened and translucent.

2. Add chicken cuts. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes until chicken colors slightly. Season with patis and salt.

3. Pour in water (or rice water, if using). Bring to a boil. Lower the heat and let it simmer until chicken is half-done. Add in sayote (or papaya or potatoes, if using). Continue simmering until chicken and vegetable are tender. Correct seasonings and then add sili leaves or malunggay or substitute. Stir to combine until well blended. Remove from heat.

4. Let stand for a few minutes to cook the green vegetables. Transfer to a serving dish and serve hot.


48. What do you think is the recipe described above?

            A. Chicken Tinola                                       

            B. Chicken Adobo                                      

            C. Chicken Inasal

D. Chicken Curry


49. To simmer is to __________.

            A. cook in low heat without boiling          

            B. stir-fry                                                       

            C. steam

D. stir while cooking


50. “Sauté ginger and garlic ” means ___________.

A. To mix rapidly to make a mixture.

B. To fry in a small amount of hot fat.      

C. To brown quickly by intense heat.

D. To immerse in rapidly boiling water.    
