Wednesday, June 20, 2012

English 101: Have and Has

The present tense of the verb "to have".

Use "have" for plural nouns, including the pronoun I, You, They and We.

1. You have a beautiful voice.

2. I have a headache.
3. Both girls have long hair.
4. We have an excursion on Monday.
5. The doctors have many patients.

Use "has" for singular noun and pronoun.

1. He has a crush on her.
2. The office has four small windows.

3. The boy has green eyes.

4. The dog has a long tail.
5. Mary has a little lamb.

Practice Test:

Use the correct present tense of to have in the following sentences:

1. We ____ a high school reunion in July.
2. You and me ____ have common interest.
3. My mother ___ a toothache.
4. The secretaries ____ many typing jobs.
5. I ___ a test today.
6. They ____ brown eyes.
7. Both cousins ____ failing marks.
8. You ____ a new dress.
9. The lawyer ____ has many clients.
10. The sky ___ many stars.
