What are the legal bases of the Alternative Learning System?
1. Constitution of the Philippines 1987, Art. XIV, Sec. 15
2. Executive Order No. 117 Sec. 115
3. DepEd Order No. 32, 1972
4. Proclamation No. 480
5. DECS Memo No. 204, 2. 1998
6. DECS Order Nos. 22 and 28, s. 1999
What is the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Test?
The ALS A&E Test formerly the Nonformal Education A&E Test is one of the four components of the ALS A&E (then NFE A&E). It offers the successful test takers certification of learning achievements at two learning levels – Elementary and Secondary – that is comparable to the formal school system. The ALS A&E Tests in both levels are standardized paper and pencil-based tests and use multiple-choice test and composition writing. The test items are based on the learning competencies of the five learning strands of the ALS Curriculum.
Who are the target clienteles of the ALS A&E Test?
The target learners / clienteles of the ALS A&E Test are Filipino Out-of-School Youth (OSY) and Adults at least 11 years old (for elementary level test) and at least 15 years old (for the secondary level test) who are basically literate. They may include: unemployed/underemployed OSYs and adults elementary and secondary school drop-outs/leavers industry-based workers, housewives, maids, factory workers, drivers members of cultural minorities / indigenous peoples /persons with disabilities / physically challenged / inmates, rebel / soldier integrees . Most of these target learners live below the poverty line, predominantly coming from depressed, disadvantaged, underserved communities.
What does a prospective test taker do to prepare himself / herself for the test?
A test taker may either be a learner/attendee or completer of the ALS A&E Learning Support Delivery (LSDS) System, a learning intervention designed to help equip the prospective test taker with the necessary competencies to prepare hihim/her for the test. The test is largely based on prior learning. Through the test, and OSY is still encouraged to attend the learning interventions to upgrade his/her knowledge and skills acquired from experiences.
What does one benefit after passing the ALS A&E Test?
A test passer of either the Elementary or Secondary Level gets a certificate which bears the signature of the Secretary of the Department of Education. This allows a passer to mainstream in the educational system of the country. It offers him/her the following opportunities: enroll in post secondary courses (technical / vocational, two / four / fiveyear course) of the CHED (for private colleges and universities) and PASUC (for government owned / controlled) member institutions; access to MFI and TESDA skills training programs; and acquire eligibility for government employment positions.
What is the ALS A&E Test made of?
The test is divided into 2 parts: the Multiple Choice Tests and the Composition Writing. The test runs for 3 hours and 30 minutes for the Elementary Level and 4 hours and 15 minutes for the Secondary Level.
The test covers the following strands (subject areas):
ELEMENTARY : 3 hours and 30 minutes
Multiple Choice - 3 hours
Bahagi I (Communication) - 40 minutes
Bahagi II (Problem Solving & Critical Thinking - 60 minutes
Bahagi III (Sustainable Use of Resources & Productivity) - 40 minutes
Bahagi IV (Dev’t. of Self & Expanding One’s World Vision) - 40 minutes
Composition Writing - 30 minutes
SECONDARY : 4 hours and 15 minutes
Multiple Choice - 3 hours 45 minutes s
Bahagi I (Komunikasyon sa Filipino) - 45 minutes
Bahagi II (English Communication) - 30 minutes
Bahagi III (Problem Solving & Critical Thinking) - 60 minutes
Bahagi IV (Sustainable Use of Resources & Productivity) - 45 minutes
Bahagi V (Dev’t. of Self & Expanding One’s Wold Vision) - 45 minutes
Composition Writing - 30 minutes
How does one register for the A&E Test?
The prospective test taker / registrant shall accomplish the registration form and shall:
1 - provide any of the following documents as proof of their identity:
a.copy of birth certificate
b.copy of marriage contract
c. form 137
d. voter’s ID
e. postal ID
f. TIN card
g. driver’s license
2 - provide all required data and affix their signature on the space provided it;
3 - provide two copies of their latest 1” x 1” photo;
4 - submit accomplished registration form to test registration officer; and
5 - get the lower portion of the registration form for presentation to the Examiner on the day of the test.
Where does one take the A&E Test? When is the test?
A prospective test taker shall register at designated registration centers nationwide. List of
these centers and the date of the test will be posted on DepEd website and on this site.
For further information, you may:
Call (02)635-5188, 635-5193 and 632-1361 loc.2083
Text at our DETxt Action Center at 0919-4560027
Email to
Write The Director IV – Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS), 3rd Floor Mabini Bldg., DepEdComplex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600